Sunday, January 10, 2016

FINALLY Get Organized, Week 1

Hi There!  My name is Debbie and my Sweetheart of 45 years
is Bob, my husband, my encourager, my soulmate.......
He cheerfully moves me forward in our family history, helping
me with research, be it at the courthouses, libraries,
cemeteries......or at home talking me through a brick wall!
What a Team!!!

We live a life-style that is becoming fairly common place......
We live full time in our 5th Wheel RV.  We sold our
house a few years ago, and have not
regretted it even a little.  When it comes to
doing genealogy, our mobility has amazing perks!
One of the trade-offs is space.....and that
is probably the biggest challenge, when it comes to working on
our genealogy.  We are actively learning to
live a more digital life......and are thankful for "THE Cloud!"

 I am beginning this blog 
predominantly for the 'year of organizing' that I will be 
going through with DearMyrtle  (a name known to most genealogists
and family historians) and followers.  I had been rolling around 
in my mind, the idea of a blog dedicated to our family history for a while now,
 and this Finally Get Organized group was the catalyst for me.

So, thank you for joining me with both ventures......... I am glad 
for the company!

Week 1: 3-9 Jan 2016:  FINALLY Get Organized

This year is my year to complete my scanning of documents, notes and photos! (Well, genealogically speaking!)  I will be working through the year with DearMyrtle and Cousin Russ and a multitude of Genealogist/Family Historians to organize our Genealogy, and the trickle-down effect should run over into all areas of our lives…….. I am excited about the process as well as the end result, looking forward to the direction given, the sharing and camaraderie.  My “One Word” for the year 2016 is JOY, and it is with great JOY that I begin this journey!

Homework Checklist:

  1. Clear off computer desk and make piles for everything:  i.e. To Be Filed; Letters/Emails to Write; Photos to Be Put Aside; Research to Do; Books
  2. Check office supplies, replace needed items
  3. Set up computer desk and area to how I really would like it to be
  4. Create a Red Clipboard for Computer Issues/Help
  5. Create a Green Clipboard for Genealogy Challenges

My Actions:

My Desk and Bookstand......

  1. Computer Desk and Area:  My “desk” is a large sized standing TV tray……..  It is used mainly for my laptop (which only gets put away when we are on the road), but must be able to be used for other things as well.  I have a book stand (the stand used to be my paternal grandmother's, given to my father by his mother, and then to me) by my chair that houses my small spiral notebooks, pens and pencils, etc.  (This needs to be re-worked to be more useful to me)  I also have a surface near me that holds my Ott lite, and overflow items.  I like to have various post it notes available for quick, short notes, plus pens. My post it notes were always escaping…….. I found a lidded container that works perfectly for the notes and an open container for my micron pens that I use when journaling (also done at this “desk”). My everyday pens, markers and magnifying glass are in a jar that rests on my small  book stand. Piles……. mine are held in containers that can be moved about, consisting predominantly of “to be filed” and “research to do” as well as my "digital" piles.  Photos are already put aside in archival boxes, letters and emails are kept up with (generally speaking), physical books are kept at a minimum----my books are usually e-books on my Kindle.
  2. I replaced the few office items that I needed----hurrah for Amazon!
  3. Setting up my desk and area is a frequent and ever evolving action, I enjoy trying new arrangements…….as always, am in the quest for a way to make this area more efficient and the workflow to be easier.
  4. Red Computer Issues Clipboard: I created this as a Notebook in Evernote*
  5. Green Genealogy Challenges Clipboard: I also created this as a Notebook in Evernote*
  6. I LOVE the Quick-Store idea and am looking for a file box that will work easily in my little area…...YAY
*I am also trying out OneNote and have the same clipboards there, will see which works best for me for this use.

Some of the challenges that I am facing:

  1. I have notes in many notebooks that need to be found and gone through……. I am still working on this process
  2. The small area to work with when doing genealogy is a challenge to me…… I have found that in the past 3 years of traveling, I have become more organized….. yet there is much to be done to improve my workflow
  3. My “to scan” pile is rather large…...LOL…….
  4. Self discipline to upload, date and transcribe items when they are fresh in my mind---this is a BIGGIE for me.

I believe that our life-style of living full-time in our RV works in my favor helping me become a more focused and efficient genealogist… creates a discipline for me, one that I need.  I am anticipating a fabulous year working with the DearMyrtle community to FINALLY Get Organized!

Whew!!!  Week 2 begins today..... so, I am off to gather my checklist and get to work!

Till next time!

This is our Grizz, our faithful companion 
(or should I say "Fur-baby")
 of 12 years so far......

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