I am looking forward to this lesson on citations.....they can be,
well, intimidating.
Reworking the citations that I have attached to the first
four generations on my Maiden Name tree should help me .....
using repetition and with great direction.....!
1. Rework the citations for documents and photos you've attached to the first four generations on your surname/maiden name individuals. When we copy and paste the so-called "source info" from various websites, we find format inconsistencies. Most online citations don't come close to the second element of the GPS Genealogical Proof Statement which reads as follows from the Board for Certification of Genealogists website:
Complete, accurate citations to the source or sources of each information item For more info see: |
I have been reworking the citations for my 4
maiden name citations. I use FTM, and it has a place in the
citation pop up for notes, so I have been using that as well.
The citations are not intuitive to me as of yet,
but I know that will come with continued focus and practice.
I should have these completed soon.
2. Refer to Citations available online at Elizabeth Shown Mills Here you may join the site in order to search for topics and post comments in the EE Forum. Ol' Myrt here spends time here searching for sample citations that meet my goal to get citations in standard format.
Be sure to see See ESM's "Sample QuickCheck Models" located here:
This is such a wonderful website! I have gone to it
in the past to seek answers to questions that I had, but I had not
joined the site. I have now joined the site (-smile-), and
am certain that I will frequent it much more often than I had.
I was able to spend a bit of time in each of the areas of
the website. I really enjoyed the blog, and the
style with which Elizabeth Shown Mills chose to write it.
3. Read ESM's Quick Lesson 22: What Citation Template Do I Use? located here:
Excellent quicklesson! I read it
a few times..... and will need to refer to it many times
again I am sure!
FACTS are not necessarily true facts,
but they ARE assertions. Looking at the 'kind of' and 'quality of' the source
is critical knowledge before we can believe this FACT.
Once again we see the need to "Question everything"!
4. Download a copy of DearMYRTLE's What Does SHE Say? Study Groupcitation samples based on Chapter 2 Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, 3rd edition. Last fall, we challenged panel participants to create citations based on their own research findings. You'll find the Google Sheet here. Note there are limitations using Google Sheets, such as the inability to italicize only part of a cell's content, but the pink column titled "Notes" explains what should be done to make the citation more accurate.
By downloading this file, you can use MS Excel and add to the list once you start crafting citations for documents and photos you've collected during your research.
A wonderfully USEFUL addition to my genealogy references......This will live in
Evernote for my reference and additions..... Thank you for sharing Mryt!
4. Explore citation templates in your genealogy software of choice. Here's a screen shot from RootsMagic 7 where I'm planning to create a citation for the 1940 US federal population schedule from digital images online at First I selected a new source, then "filled in the blanks. The red arrows below show where my typing "1940 US Census" end up when the software displays or prints out the citation in footnote, short footnote or bibliography format.
Since the census image "person of interest" is my father, Glen S. Player, I typed it in the field I've now highlighted with a green bordered box. See where it appears in Footnote and Short Footnote side of the dialog box. I've placed a blue oval where I need to type the civil division, enumeration district, page id, household id. What is there in grey text is merely a sample, and will be replaced by my typing.
I have been working with the citation templates in my FTM and in the
Legacy program. I plan on continuing my use of my FTM, so I am focusing on that
program. I had added source citations of my own before, but learning to rework
the citations has been very interesting. It is something that I
had wondered about in the past, but had never pursued.
Having this hands-on work and the organization that results has been very helpful to me.
Numerous items that I have from the past
have incomplete citations......some I will be able to bring back to life, but it is so
sad for the ones that I have only a bit or two about.
I am hoping that we will have unlimited internet soon,
and then I will have a "What Does SHE Say?"-athon! I am
looking forward to hearing the discussions and anticipate learning
As I am applying the organizational tips and tools to my work,
I am seeing each person's information begin to evolve into a more cohesive
and organized whole, in the software program as well as the
digital "scrapbooks." Nice!
G'night from Texas~~~
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