Tuesday, March 1, 2016

FINALLY: Get Organized! Week 8!

Today is the 1st of March. . . . how can that be!!!!
We have completed week 8 of our Organization project!
This week we are adding siblings
to our genealogy programs,
with their documentation.


We've been working very hard so far this month in our FINALLY Get Organized! Checklists, so this week Ol' Myrt here is going to make this a little easier for you. We're going to take on the concept of siblings.

Some folks say they only compile information on their direct line parents, grand-parents and great-grandparents. Indeed we've only been working on the male lines, with a smattering on the female side of the family.

The very best genealogy break-throughs Ol' Myrt here has had have come from someone who descends from the brother or sister of my direct-line ancestors.

This is so true!  I have found
ancestors who were missing in census records
living with siblings, plus collaborated with the descendants of
siblings to break through some of our walls.....

  1. Add the names and compiled dates of birth, marriage and death for your 4 generations on your surname (if male) or maiden name (if female) in your genealogy management program This will make it easier to also attach group images you've already scanned to the other people in the photo. The same goes for obituaries where siblings are listed with their spouses.
For paper-centric genealogists, you'll now need to reprint the 4 family group sheets where:
  • You and your siblings now show up with your parents.
  • Your father and his siblings now show up with their parents.
  • Your grandfather and his siblings now show up with their parents.
  • Your great-grandfather and his siblings now show up with their parents, if known.

Siblings added with their vital records in place
and working on those citations.--- CHECK!

 2. If it takes more than one document to prove a point of fact about an ancestor's life, then attach the relevant documents, and under "notes" for the event or fact place a "written conclusion" about those multiple sources for one fact in your genealogy software. What's a written conclusion? It could be a simply proof statement, proof summary or more complex proof argument explaining why you believe your conclusion about this one fact accurately reflects your current thinking" about that facet of your ancestors life.
...Hoping to have at least one written conclusion done today 
and I will
add the conclusion here when it is done.

EXTRA CREDIT - Watch DearMYRTLE's The Written Conclusion Study Group (2015) based on Chapter 7 of Thomas W. Jones' Mastering Genealogical Proof  (Arlington, Virginia: National Genealogical Society, 2013). [Book available from the publisher at http://www.ngsgenealogy.org/cs/mastering_genealogical_proof , also available in Kindle format, described here.]

This is on my "to watch" list..... when we
have internet availablity.
In the meantime, I am re-reading chapter 7 of 
Thomas W. Jones' book.

Happy March

 from here in 


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