Tuesday, January 12, 2016

FINALLY: Get Organized--Week 2--Homework!

Week 2 (Jan 10-16)  FINALLY: Get Organized

This week's checklist is a bit more involved.....oh, but it feels so good to be moving forward in organization!
  1.  Backup data--essential action for preservation-----records, documents, letters, photos......treasures all!
  2.  Decide upon a Genealogy Management Program
  3.  Starting with myself, enter the personal data into my Genealogy Management Program for 4 generations going backward, beginning with me
  4. Begin a 3-ring Binder for my maiden name--    
           Tabs (marked and put into binder) for each of the 4 generations
           Print out Family Group Sheet for each of the generations and put in proper place in binder
           Scan and file photos and documents relating to each of the 4 generations, put original                             copies into archival safe sheet protectors and put into binder in proper tab
           Create an "Introduction" for "those that follow"---explaining my filing system, both                                physical and digital.....list the Genealogy Programs that I am using, plus any files that                          contain family history, also any databases that I use for the same.
               Explain that all the photos and documents are attached to the Genealogy Program
     5.  Consider leaving a copy of this intro with a trusted relative or atty, that includes the password             to my computer/laptop
     6.  Consider adding a Genealogy Codicil to our Will


e-drive on the computer, and flash drives at the ready.....


Having a workable backup plan for our photos and data is essential. . . . .  I like the 3-2-1 Backup Plan.  This plan suggests that you have 3 copies of your files, photos, etc.;  2 of those sources will be local (on-site) and 1 will be off-site (such as cloud-based).   My photos and documents are stored on an external hard drive that I keep attached to my laptop most of the time, and are also stored on MyCloud, a personal storage cloud that resides in our trailer.  The off-site storage for our files is e-drive, a cloud-based storage company.

 Another aspect of backing up one's information is frequency.  I prefer to follow the pattern of a multitude of genealogists and family historians, and backup at the first of the month.  I have a reminder set on my calendar that syncs with my devices for the 1st of each month---BACKUP! 

Another tool that I use for backing up files, and sharing, are flash drives.......fabulous little gadgets!


I have been using Family Tree Maker for several years, and enjoy it.  I realize that the decision has been made by Ancestry.com not to go forward with this software.  I will continue to use the software for the time being.  A few months ago, before the announcement of Family Tree Maker being discontinued, I downloaded the full Legacy Program.  There are several things that I like about Legacy, and I have been using it to "clean up" my family tree.  So, going forward, I will be using both programs, from the ground up with Legacy, and building upon what I have with Family Tree Maker.


I am using the Legacy program to do this...... This will ensure that I have the pertinent information added and that it is current.  Deciding on which photos will be added is difficult, plus an on-going ritual.  There is source documenting that needs to be completed as well for a few items.  I have each of the 4 generations near completion.

The sunset highlighted this tree so beautifully!


One of my goals that I hope to accomplish
with "Get Organized," is to free up some
space, and some weight--paper equals
weight and space in our 5th Wheel!
So, my 3 Ring Binder will be of a digital sort.  

Right now, I have digital surname folders that I use as "binders."  They reside in a folder named FAMILY HISTORY on my external hard drive.  As I do research
on a family member, a folder is created for that person in 
the appropriate surname folder, and all applicable files, 
documents and photos go into their folder.  I also have a 
Vital Records folder in the Family History folder for quick access to birth, marriage, death, deed, divorce, etc records.

I do keep some essential documentation in paper, such as vital records, and some special items (such as military service records) and have safe off-site storage for them.  I need to put these into archival safe sheet protectors, and a new archival safe box.

This week I will be working on my "Introduction" to my filing system.  Each of our adult children will be keepers of this paperwork.  

It has been a beautiful day here in Texas......I hope that each of you had a bit
of sunshine in your day as well!

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